Hybrid Assembly
Choice of 2 workflows
- DEFAULT A. Flye assembly flye_assembly.nf B. Bandage creates a bandage plot of the assembly bandage_image.nf C. Minimap2 creates an index of the contigs (minimap2_index.nf), then maps long reads to this index minimap2_map.nf D. Racon uses the short reads to iteratively polish contigs pilon_iter.nf
- OPTIONAL A. Unicycler assembly unicycler_assemble.nf B. Bandage creates a bandage plot of the assembly bandage_image.nf
- Next generation sequencing reads:
- Short read
- Illumina
- Long read:
- Nanopore
- Pacbio
- Short read
- User submitted sample sheet
- Assembly
- Assembling
- Bandage
- ConsensusGeneration
- Polishing
- Pilon
- BAMs
- Changes
- Fasta
- Pilon
- Racon
- Consensus
- Polishing
- Unicycler
- FinalAssembly
- Assembling