
Measures and reports the distance between multiple read pileups from multiple quasispecies samples, aligned to the same genomic region. This tool determines the cosine relatedness between viral quasispecies, reporting either angular cosine distance or cosine similarity as measures of relatedness. These measures of relatedness should be understood as approximations for evolutionary distance.

The software represents quasispecies pileup data as vectors and measures the cosine angle between every pair of vectors. This has the benefit of comparing the relative composition of the quasispecies and is robust against widely varying degrees of coverage. This method does not reduce the quasipecies data into a consensus vector and therefore can capture more nuanced differences between two quasispecies pileups. The software can also normalize the pileup vectors to prevent bias of relative coverage within a single pileup.

Basic Usage

quasitools distance [options] <reference> (<BAM inputs>)+


BAM File

A BAM file (.bam) of sequences aligned to a related reference. This tool requires at least two BAM files. However, there is no uppoer limit. A BAM index file (.bai) is also required for each BAM input and each BAM index file should be named the same as its corresponding BAM file, with the extension instead changed from ".bam" to ".bai". Each BAM file must be aligned to the same reference genome.

Reference File

A reference file related to all of the aligned BAM sequence files. The provided reference file must be the same reference file used when producing all of the BAM and BAM index files.



-n, --normalize / -dn, --dont_normalize

Whether or not to normalize read count data so that counts at each position sum to one. This is useful if one region of the reference has more coverage depth than another region. Normalization will ensure each base position will contribute equally to the distance measurement. Normalization is done by dividing base read counts (A, C, T, G) inside every 4-tuple by the sum of the read counts inside the same tuple.

Output Distance

-od, --output_distance / -os, --output_similarity

Either output an angular distance matrix (by default) or output a cosine similarity matrix. Please be aware that cosine similarity is not a metric.

Start Position

-s, --startpos INTEGER

Sets the start base position of the reference to use in the distance or similarity calculation. The start position is one-indexed [1, n].

End Position

-e, --endpos INTEGER

Sets the end base position of the reference to use in the distance or similarity calculation. The end position is one-indexed [1, n].


-o, --output FILENAME

The file output location to write the quasispecies distance or similarity matrix in CSV format.


-t, --truncate

Ignores congiguous start and end pileup regions with no coverage.

Remove No Coverage

-r, --remove_no_coverage

Remove all regions of the pileup with no coverage from the distance calculations.

Keep No Coverage

-k, --keep_no_coverage

Do not remove regions of the pileup with no coverage from the distance calculations.



Show a help message and exit.


A distance matrix with the distances between all pairs of quasispecies pileups will be written to standard output. The user may also have the matrix written to a file by specifying the location with the -o command.


  • Generating a distance matrix between inputs for the purpose of clustering.



The following example data may be used to run the tool:


quasitools distance hiv.fasta variant.bam variant2.bam variant3.bam


Using file hiv.fasta as reference
Reading input from file(s)  variant.bam
Reading input from file(s)  variant2.bam
Reading input from file(s)  variant3.bam
Constructed pileup from reference.
The pileup covers 9181 positions before modifications.
The start position is 1.
The end position is 9181.
The pileup covers 9181 positions after selecting range between original pileup positions 1 and 9181.
Truncating all positions with no coverage.
1 positions were truncated on the left.
1 positions were truncated on the right.
2 positions were removed in total from the pileup.
Outputting an angular cosine distance matrix.