Advanced Configuration Options
ENV variables
IRIDA Next Environment
Primary ENV Variable which sets what type of environment to run
ENV variable | Description | Default |
RAILS_ENV | One of [production , development , test ]. | development |
Additional Options
ENV variable | Description | Default |
RAILS_MAX_THREADS | Number of threads in the thread pool | 5 |
RAILS_HOST | URL host for the application | |
RAILS_PORT | Port that the application runs on | 3000 when RAILS_ENV is development |
RAILS_PROTOCOL | Protocol the application uses | http |
RAILS_DAILY_LOG_ROTATION | Rotate the logs daily. For production environment only. | false |
RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT | Enable logging to stdout | false |
REDIS_URL | Set the Redis URL | redis://localhost:6379/1 |
DATABASE_URL | Set the URL for the postgres database | nil |
JOBS_DATABASE_URL | Set the URL for the postgres jobs database | nil |
PORT | Set the port that Puma listens on to receive requests | 3000 |
PIDFILE | Set the pidfile that Puma will use | tmp/pids/ |
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES | Set to enable serving static files from /public folder. By default this is handled by Apache or NGINX. | false |
PUID_APP_PREFIX | Set the persistent unique ID prefix | INXT |
SEED_ATTACHMENT_PER_SAMPLE | Set number of attachments per sample when seeding the database with test data | 2 |
ENABLE_CRON | Enables built in cron cleanup jobs for samples, attachments, and data exports. | true |
CRON_CLEANUP_AFTER_DAYS | Set the number of days old a deleted sample/attachment must be before it is cleaned. | 7 |