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Reserved group names

Not all group names are allowed because they would conflict with existing routes used by IRIDA Next.

For a list of words that are not allowed to be used as group names, see the path_regex.rb file under the TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES, and WILDCARD_ROUTES lists:

  • TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES: are names that are reserved as usernames or top level groups.
  • WILDCARD_ROUTES: are names that are reserved for child groups or projects.

Limitations on group names

  • Group names must start with a letter, digit, emoji, or "_".
  • Group names can only contain letters, digits, emojis, "_", ".", dashes, or spaces.
  • Group slugs must start with a letter or digit.
  • Group slugs can only contain letters, digits, ‘_’, ‘.’, ‘+’, or dashes.
  • Group slugs must not contain consecutive special characters.
  • Group slugs cannot end with a special character.

Reserved group names

The following names are reserved as top level groups:

  • \-
  • 403.html
  • 421.html
  • 499.html
  • apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
  • apple-touch-icon.png
  • assets
  • favicon.ico
  • groups
  • rails
  • recede_historical_location
  • resume_historical_location
  • refresh_historical_location
  • robots.txt
  • user

These group names are unavailable as subgroup names:

  • \-