Data Formats

This resource provides a detailed description of the various data formats used by quasitools, either as input or output, and their relationship to each other. In general, the data inputs usually must be consistent with each other. If you change one of the inputs, it is possible that some of the other inputs will need to change as well.


The following is a summary of the formats used by quasitools:

Format Description
Reads A FASTQ file containing sequencing reads.
Reference A FASTA reference of either a gene, chromosome, or genome.
BAM Specifies sequence alignments between the FASTA reference and FASTQ reads.
BAI Indexes the BAM file for faster processing.
BED4 Specifies the coordinates of coding sequences in the reference.
Mutation Database Specifies meaningful amino acid mutations within coding sequences.
Codon Variants CSV Specifies nucleotide variants within codons and resulting amino acid mutations.
VCF Specifies observed nucleotide variants and related information.
AAVF Specifies observed amino acid variants and related information.


The following is a summary of the relationships between quasitools inputs:

Input Input Relationship
BAM Reads The BAM file describes the alignment of reads to a reference.
BAM Reference The BAM file describes the alignment of reads to a reference.
BAM BAI The BAM index (BAI) file must be created from the BAM file.
BED4 Reference The BED4 file describes coding sequences on the reference.
BED Mutation Database The BED "name" column must be consistent with the MutationDB "coding sequences" column.


Most tools in quasitools do not operated directly on reads and instead require BAM alignment files, which must be created manually by the user. Please see the BAM format section for more information.


The reference file must be in FASTA format. When providing a BAM file, BAM index file (BAI), and a reference file together to the same program within quasitools, the BAM file must have been generated from an alignment with the reference and the BAM index file generated from the BAM file.


A BAM file (.bam) is the binary version of a SAM file. A SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) file is a tab-delimited text file that specifies sequence alignments. SAM files are often converted into BAM files to reduce storage space and allow faster processing.

Within quasitools, BAM files are used to provide information about how sequencing reads aligned to a reference file. A BAM index file (.bai) is also required by quasitools and should be named the same as the BAM file, with the extension instead changed from ".bam" to ".bai". When running quasitools, it is important to ensure that the BAM file, BAM index file, and reference file are consistent with each other. The BAM file should be generated from an alignment against the reference and the BAM index file should be generated from the BAM file.

BAM alignment files may be generated using read or sequence alignment software, such as Bowtie2. If your sequence alignment software does not output a BAI file, you may use samtools to index your BAM file.


A BED file specifies the coordinates of coding sequences, with repsect to sequences within a FASTA reference. The FASTA sequences are larger sequences, such a chromosomes or genes. The specified coding sequences are smaller sequences within the FASTA sequences. These small sequences within FASTA sequences may be genes or gene products. However, the should not contain non-coding sequences. The coordinates of the coding sequences must be specified in 0-based nucleotide coordinates and the length of each coding sequence must be divisible by three.

The BED files used with quasitools must be BED4+ files and therefore must contain at least the first 4 BED file columns. It is very likely that these BED4 files will need to be manually created with knowledge of the locations of coding sequences in the reference. It is very important that the names of these coding sequences are the same names used in the coding sequences column of the mutation database, if the user is providing both files as inputs to a tool. The format of the BED files expected by quasitools is as follows:

[identifier] [start] [end] [name]

There must only be one record per line in the BED4 file. The items in each record are specified as follows:

Item Description Values
identifier The sequence identifier of the FASTA sequence within the FASTA reference file. string
start The starting nucleotide coordinate of the coding sequence. integer
end The ending nucleotide coordinate of the coding sequence. integer
name The name of the coding sequence. string

Example: Genes Witin a Chromsome

Reference File (FASTA)


BED4 File

chromosome1    300    599     gene1
chromosome1    900    1199    gene2
chromosome2    300    599     gene3

Observe that chromosome1 and chromosome2 are the names of contigs in a reference FASTA file. Our BED4 file specifies three genes within the reference file. gene1 and gene2 reside on the chromosome1 contig and gene3 resides on the chromosome2 contig.

Example: Gene Products Witin a Gene

Reference File (FASTA)


BED4 File

gene1    300    599     product1
gene1    900    1199    product2

Observe that our reference file specifics one contig, gene1, which corresponds to a gene. The coding sequences specific in the BED4 file are instead gene products: product1 and product2.

Example: Gene Products Witin a Chromosome

Reference File (FASTA)


BED4 File

chromosome1    300    399    product1
chromosome1    900    999    product2
chromosome2    300    399    product3

Observe that chromosome1 and chromosome2 are the names of contigs in a reference FASTA file. Our BED4 file specifies three coding sequences which are gene products (assumed to be within genes). product1 and product2 reside on chromosome1 and product3 resides on chromosome2.

Mutation Database

The mutation database describes specific mutations within the named coding sequences specified previously in the BED4 file. It is used to report animo acid mutations that the user has identified. The mutation database is represented as a specifically formated TSV (tab separated values) file. The mutation database format is as follows:

[coding sequence] [wildtype] [position] [mutation] [category] [surveillance] [comment]
Item Description Values
coding sequence The name of the coding sequence (CDS or gene product). string
wildtype The amino acid of wildtype. character
position The position of the amino acid within the coding sequence. integer
mutation The amino acid of the muation. character
category A categorization of the mutation. string
surveillance Whether or not the mutation is part of a surveillance program. string
comment A user-provided comment about the mutation. string

In this format, there is one mutation entry per line in the file. Each item of every entry is separated by tabs. A line may be a comment if the very first character of the line is a # character. Please note that the position is the amino acid position within that particular coding sequence, in amino acid coordinates. It is very important that the values of the "coding sequence" column are the same names used in the "name" column of the BED4 file, if the user is providing both files as inputs to a tool. Every name that appears in the coding sequence column must also appear in the name column of the BED4 file. However, not every name in the BED4 file must appear under the coding sequence column in the mutation database.

It is very likely that these mutation database files will need to be manually created with knowledge of the locations of mutations within the coding sequences specified in the BED file.

Example: Mutations Within a Gene

Mutation Database

#genetic region wildtype    position    mutation    category    surveillance    comment
gene1   M   10  F   major   Yes comment1
gene1   K   20  I   minor   No  comment2
gene2   W   5   V   major   No  comment3

BED4 File

chromosome1    300    599     gene1
chromosome1    900    1199    gene2
chromosome2    300    599     gene3

Observe that the all names in the first column of the mutation database (gene1, gene2) appear in the last column of the BED4 file. However, not every named coding sequence in the BED4 (gene3) has to appear in the mutation database coding sequence column.

Codon Variants CSV

The codon variants CSV file is consistent with the standard CSV format. The file describes nucleotide variants within codons and their resulting amino acid variants. It also clarifies whether the nucleotide variants are synonymous or a non-synonymous mutations. The codon variants CSV file has the following comment header:

#gene,nt position (gene),nt start position,nt end position,ref codon,mutant codon,ref AA,mutant AA,coverage,mutant frequency,mutant type,NS count,S count

The items on each line correspond to the following information:

Position Name Description
0 gene The name of the coding region.
1 nt position (gene) The start and end nucleotide positions of the gene which contains the codon.
2 nt start position The start nucleotide position of the codon.
3 nt end position The end nucleotide position of the codon.
4 ref codon The codon in the reference.
5 mutant codon The mutant codon in the data.
6 ref AA The corresponding amino acid in the reference.
7 mutant AA The corresponding amino acid in the mutant.
8 coverage The coverage of the codon.
9 mutant frequency The observed frequency of the mutant codon.
10 mutant type Whether or not the mutation is synonymous (S) or nonsynonymous (NS).
11 NS count The expected number of nonsynonymous sites in the codon. A number between [0, 3].
12 S count The expected number of synonymous sites in the codon. A number between [0, 3].

Please refer to Nei and Gojobori 1986 for more information about how to calculate NS count and S count.


The VCF format used within quasitools is consistent with the standard VCF format. However, quasitools uses custom values in the FILTER and INFO columns.


Name Meaning
dp100 This variant was filtered because the coverage depth was less than 100.
q30 This variant was filtered because the quality of the variant was less than 30.
ac5 This variant was filtered because the variant was observed less than 5 times.

Of particular interest is the q30 flag. This flag is set when the estimated quality of the variant is less than 30. quasitools calculates the probability of a variant being legitimate using the Poisson cumulative distribution function. In this framework, λ is the expected number of errors at a particular position (the coverage depth of that position multiplied by the error rate).

In order for the variant to accepted as a real mutation, the probability of the observed variant being caused entirely by errors must be sufficiently low. In other words, at least some of the observed variant was probably caused by at least one real mutation. In order for the probability to be sufficiently low, it must be less than Q30 (1 in 1000 chance). When performing this probability calculation, we assume the worst case scenario: all expected substution errors at a particular position are the same nucleotide as the variant being tested, rather than being evenly distributed evenly across all possible substitions.


Name Meaning
DP The total coverage depth of the pileup at this position.
AC The number of times this particular variants was observed in the pileup at this position.
AF The frequency of this particular variants was observed in the pileup at this position.


AAVF is a text file format, inspired by the Variant Call Format (VCF). It contains meta-information lines, a head line, and then data lines each containing information about a position in a gene within a genome. Please refer to the AAVF documentation for more information.