Class GalaxyLibrariesService

  • public class GalaxyLibrariesService
    extends java.lang.Object
    A service class for dealing with Galaxy libraries.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      GalaxyLibrariesService​(com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.LibrariesClient librariesClient, int libraryPollingTime, int libraryUploadTimeout, int threadPoolSize)
      Builds a new GalaxyLibrariesService with the given LibrariesClient.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.beans.Library buildEmptyLibrary​(GalaxyProjectName libraryName)
      Builds a new empty library with the given name.
      void deleteLibrary​(java.lang.String libraryId)
      Deletes the Galaxy library with the given id.
      java.util.Map<java.nio.file.Path,​java.lang.String> filesToLibraryWait​(java.util.Set<java.nio.file.Path> paths, com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.beans.Library library, DataStorage dataStorage)
      Uploads a set of files to a given library, waiting until all uploads are complete.
      java.lang.String fileToLibrary​(java.nio.file.Path path, InputFileType fileType, com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.beans.Library library, DataStorage dataStorage)
      Uploads the given file to a library with the given information.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GalaxyLibrariesService

        public GalaxyLibrariesService​(com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.LibrariesClient librariesClient,
                                      int libraryPollingTime,
                                      int libraryUploadTimeout,
                                      int threadPoolSize)
        Builds a new GalaxyLibrariesService with the given LibrariesClient.
        librariesClient - The LibrariesClient used to interact with Galaxy libraries.
        libraryPollingTime - The time (in seconds) for polling a Galaxy library.
        libraryUploadTimeout - The timeout (in seconds) for waiting for files to be uploaded to a library.
        threadPoolSize - The thread pool size for parallel polling of Galaxy to check if uploads are finished.
    • Method Detail

      • buildEmptyLibrary

        public com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.beans.Library buildEmptyLibrary​(GalaxyProjectName libraryName)
                                                                            throws CreateLibraryException
        Builds a new empty library with the given name.
        libraryName - The name of the new library.
        A Library object for the newly created library.
        CreateLibraryException - If no library could be created.
      • fileToLibrary

        public java.lang.String fileToLibrary​(java.nio.file.Path path,
                                              InputFileType fileType,
                                              com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.beans.Library library,
                                              DataStorage dataStorage)
                                       throws UploadException
        Uploads the given file to a library with the given information.
        path - The path of the file to upload.
        fileType - The type of the file to upload.
        library - The library to upload the file into.
        dataStorage - The DataStorage method to apply to this dataset.
        A dataset id for the dataset in this library.
        UploadException - If there was an issue uploading the file to the library.
      • filesToLibraryWait

        public java.util.Map<java.nio.file.Path,​java.lang.String> filesToLibraryWait​(java.util.Set<java.nio.file.Path> paths,
                                                                                           com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.beans.Library library,
                                                                                           DataStorage dataStorage)
                                                                                    throws UploadException
        Uploads a set of files to a given library, waiting until all uploads are complete.
        paths - The set of paths to upload.
        library - The library to initially upload the file into.
        dataStorage - The type of DataStorage strategy to use.
        An @{link Map} of paths and ids for each dataset object in this library.
        UploadException - If there was an issue uploading the file to Galaxy.