Class AnalysisExecutionServiceAspect

    • Method Detail

      • toErrorStateOnException

        public void toErrorStateOnException​(AnalysisSubmission analysisSubmission,
                                            java.lang.Exception exception)
        Aspect that matches any asynchronous calls for performing analysis submissions and switches the submission to an error state on an exception.
        analysisSubmission - The submission that has failed.
        exception - The exception that was thrown.
      • toErrorStateOnCleaningException

        public void toErrorStateOnCleaningException​(AnalysisSubmission analysisSubmission,
                                                    java.lang.Exception exception)
        Aspect that matches any asynchronous calls for cleaning analysis submissions and switches to a cleaned error state. exception.
        analysisSubmission - The submission that has failed to be cleaned.
        exception - The exception that was thrown.