Class SequenceFileRemoteRepositoryImpl

    • Field Detail


        public static final org.springframework.http.MediaType DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_MEDIA_TYPE
    • Constructor Detail

      • SequenceFileRemoteRepositoryImpl

        public SequenceFileRemoteRepositoryImpl​(RemoteAPITokenService tokenService,
                                                UserService userService)
        Create a new SequenceFileRemoteRepositoryImpl
        tokenService - The TokenService storing OAuth2 tokens
        userService - The UserService for reading users
    • Method Detail

      • downloadRemoteSequenceFile

        public java.nio.file.Path downloadRemoteSequenceFile​(java.lang.String uri,
                                                             RemoteAPI remoteAPI,
                                                             org.springframework.http.MediaType... mediaTypes)
        Get a local copy of a SequenceFile
        Specified by:
        downloadRemoteSequenceFile in interface SequenceFileRemoteRepository
        uri - the URI of the file to download
        remoteAPI - The RemoteAPI this file resides on
        mediaTypes - The media types to request from the remote API
        A temporary Path to the sequence file data
      • downloadRemoteSequenceFile

        public java.nio.file.Path downloadRemoteSequenceFile​(java.lang.String uri,
                                                             RemoteAPI remoteAPI)
        Get a local copy of a SequenceFile with a default MediaType of application/fastq
        Specified by:
        downloadRemoteSequenceFile in interface SequenceFileRemoteRepository
        uri - The URI to get sequence data for
        remoteAPI - The RemoteAPI this file resides on
        A temporary Path to the sequence file data