AnalysisExecutionScheduledTaskImpl |
Implementation of analysis execution tasks.
AnalysisServiceImpl |
AnalysisTypesServiceImpl |
AnnouncementServiceImpl |
Service for managing @{link Announcements}
CRUDServiceImpl<KeyType extends,ValueType extends Timestamped<KeyType>> |
A universal CRUD service for all types.
EmailControllerImpl |
This class is responsible for all email sent to the server that are templated with Thymeleaf.
GenomeAssemblyServiceImpl |
InMemoryTaxonomyService |
A TaxonomyService leveraging Apache Jena's in memory storage service
and Apache Lucene's text searching abilities.
IridaClientDetailsServiceImpl |
ProjectEventEmailScheduledTaskImpl |
ProjectEventServiceImpl |
ProjectServiceImpl |
A specialized service layer for projects.
ProjectSubscriptionServiceImpl |
A specialized service layer for project subscriptions.
ReferenceFileServiceImpl |
RemoteAPIServiceImpl |
RemoteAPITokenServiceImpl |
Service implementation for storing and reading remote api tokens
SequencingObjectServiceImpl |
SequencingRunServiceImpl |
TestEmailController |
Email controller used for testing.