All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsoluteToRelativePaths |
Custom SQL change converting absolute paths to relative in the database
AbstractAnalysisSubmission |
Abstract superclass for analysis submissions.
AbstractExportModel |
Parent class of all export model to hold utility functions.
ActivitiesAjaxController |
AJAX controller to handle actitivies
Activity |
Model for an Activity (Event).
ActivityItem |
Used to create either the subject or the predicate of an activity.
ActivityType |
Define specific type activities.
AddSampleMetadataRequest |
Used to handle requests from the UI to add a sample metadata.
AddSampleMetadataResponse |
Used to handle responses to the UI to add a piece of sample metadata.
AddToCartRequest |
Request sent from the UI to add Sample s from a Project to the cart.
AdminBaseController |
Admin Panel Page Controller
AdminStatisticsAjaxController |
Controller to handle ajax requests for the Admin Panel statistics page.
AdminUsersTableRequest |
This overrides the default TableRequest for the administrators
users table to allow for custom handling of setting the sort column
since several columns do not directly match up.
AgGridColumn |
AgGrid column is used to represent a generic AgGrid Column
AjaxCreateItemSuccessResponse |
UI Response for successfully creating an item.
AjaxErrorResponse |
Response returned if there is an error creating a new item in IRIDA.
AjaxFormErrorResponse |
AJAX response to return form errors to the client
AjaxItemNotFoundException |
Error thrown if an item is not found on an Ajax Request
AjaxResponse |
Generic parent response type for AJAX requests.
AjaxSuccessResponse |
Response returned if an upload of an item is successful.
AjaxUpdateItemSuccessResponse |
UI Response for successfully updating an item.
AnalysesFilters |
Represents the filters on the Analyses Table.
AnalysesListRequest |
Used to handle a UI Request for the Analyses Page.
AnalysesOutputsAjaxController |
Controller for handling all ajax requests for Single Sample Analyses Outputs.
AnalysesTableAjaxController |
Controller to handle ajax requests for the Analyses table
Analysis |
An analysis object for storing results of an analysis execution.
AnalysisAjaxController |
Controller for individual Analysis ajax requests (details page, analysis
outputs, project analysis outputs)
AnalysisAlreadySetException |
AnalysisAudit |
AnalysisCleanedState |
Defines the state for cleaning up intermediate files of an analysis.
AnalysisCollectionServiceGalaxy |
A service for constructing dataset collections of input files for workflows
in galaxy.
AnalysisController |
Controller for Analysis.
AnalysisDetails |
Used as a response for encapsulating analysis details
AnalysisEmailPipelineResult |
Used as a request to update if a user should receive
email an email upon completion or error..
AnalysisExecutionScheduledTask |
AnalysisExecutionScheduledTaskImpl |
Implementation of analysis execution tasks.
AnalysisExecutionService |
AnalysisExecutionServiceAspect |
Switches an AnalysisSubmission to an error state on an exception when
being submitted for analysis.
AnalysisExecutionServiceConfig |
Configuration for an AnalysisExecutionService class.
AnalysisExecutionServiceGalaxy |
Service for performing analyses within a Galaxy execution manager.
AnalysisExecutionServiceGalaxyAsync |
Service for executing AnalysisSubmission stages within a Galaxy
execution manager asynchronously.
AnalysisExecutionServiceGalaxyCleanupAsync |
Service for cleaning up an AnalysisSubmission within a Galaxy
execution manager asynchronously.
AnalysisFastQC |
Specific implementation of Analysis for storing properties created by
AnalysisFastQC.AnalysisFastQCBuilder |
AnalysisInfo |
Used by UI to encapsulate analysis information
AnalysisInputFiles |
Used as a response for encapsulating analysis input files data which includes
the samples, reads, and reference file if it was required by workflow
AnalysisJobError |
Used as a response for encapsulating galaxy job errors, the url
of the galaxy instance, and the galaxy history id.
AnalysisModel |
AnalysisOutputFile |
Store file references to files produced by a workflow execution that we
otherwise don't want to parse metadata from.
AnalysisOutputFileDownloadManager |
AnalysisOutputFileInfo |
AnalysisOutputFileRepository |
AnalysisOutputFileRepositoryImpl |
AnalysisParameterService<WorkflowInputsType extends WorkflowInputsGeneric> |
A service for setting up parameters for an analysis.
AnalysisParameterServiceGalaxy |
A Galaxy implementation for preparing parameters for an analysis.
AnalysisProjectShare |
Represents the update for sharing an analysis with a project.
AnalysisProvenanceResponse |
Used as a response for encapsulating the file provenance
AnalysisProvenanceServiceGalaxy |
A class used to collect provenance data from Galaxy that corresponds to a
specific output file generated by an analysis submission.
AnalysisRepository |
A custom repository for managing Analysis objects.
AnalysisSampleProject |
Used to return a sample linked to a project to the UI.
AnalysisSamples |
Used as a response for encapsulating analysis paired end sample data
AnalysisSampleUpdater |
A service for updating samples with results from a particular
Analysis type.
AnalysisScheduledTaskConfig |
Scheduled task configuration for running analysis pipelines
AnalysisService |
Service for managing objects of type Analysis .
AnalysisServiceImpl |
AnalysisSingleEndSamples |
Used as a response for encapsulating analysis single end sample data
AnalysisSistrResults |
Used as a response for encapsulating a SISTR result object as well
as the sample name and if there was a parsing error
AnalysisState |
AnalysisStateModel |
UI Representation of an Analysis Submission state.
AnalysisSubmission |
Defines a submission to an AnalysisService for executing a remote workflow.
AnalysisSubmission.Builder |
AnalysisSubmission.Priority |
Enum encoding the priority of analysis submissions
AnalysisSubmissionCleanupService |
AnalysisSubmissionCleanupServiceImpl |
AnalysisSubmissionInfo |
Used as a request to update the analysis name and/or priority.
AnalysisSubmissionRepository |
AnalysisSubmissionRepositoryCustom |
AnalysisSubmissionRepositoryImpl |
AnalysisSubmissionSampleProcessor |
AnalysisSubmissionSampleProcessorImpl |
AnalysisSubmissionService |
A service for AnalysisSubmissions.
AnalysisSubmissionService.AnalysisServiceStatus |
Class to store the number of running and queued analyses
AnalysisSubmissionServiceImpl |
Implementation of an AnalysisSubmissionService.
AnalysisSubmissionSpecification |
AnalysisSubmissionTemplate |
Shell for an analysis template to be submitted automatically when data is uploaded to a project.
AnalysisSubmissionTemplateRepository |
AnalysisTemplate |
Response class for easily formatting analysis templates for the project settings page
AnalysisToolExecution |
Used as a response for encapsulating the tools used in the provenance
as well as the execution parameters for these tools
AnalysisToolExecutionParameters |
Used as a response for encapsulating tool execution parameters
AnalysisTreeResponse |
Used as a response for encapsulating a newick string
and an optional server message.
AnalysisType |
Defines a particular type of Analysis available in IRIDA.
AnalysisTypeModel |
UI Representation of an Analysis Type
AnalysisTypeSet |
A class wrapping around AnalysisType to contain them in a set for
Spring configuration.
AnalysisTypesService |
AnalysisTypesServiceImpl |
AnalysisWorkspaceService |
Defines a service used to perform the tasks for execution of a workflow.
AnalysisWorkspaceServiceGalaxy |
A service for performing tasks for analysis in Galaxy.
AnalyticsHandlerInterceptor |
Interceptor to add analytics to every page.
Announcement |
An announcement object.
AnnouncementAjaxController |
Controller for all ajax requests from the UI for announcements.
AnnouncementRepository |
AnnouncementRequest |
Data transfer object for requesting information about an
AnnouncementsController |
AnnouncementService |
AnnouncementServiceImpl |
Service for managing @{link Announcements}
AnnouncementSpecification |
AnnouncementTableModel |
AnnouncementUserJoin |
AnnouncementUserJoinRepository |
AnnouncementUserReadDetails |
Data transfer object for retrieving announcement details from a sql query.
AnnouncementUserTableModel |
AntPagination |
Class to represent a page request in a AntD Table Request.
AntSearch |
Class to represent a single column search in a AntD Table Request.
AntSort |
Class to represent a single column sort in a AntD Table Request.
AntTableItem |
Base class to be used to represent a row in a AntD table.
AntTableRequest |
AntTableResponse<T extends AntTableItem> |
Base class to be used to represent a single page in a AntD table.
AssemblySampleUpdater |
Updates a sample with the results from a genome assembly.
AssociatedProject |
Representation of an Associated Project for the project associated projects page.
AutomatedAnalysisFileProcessor |
File processor used to launch an automated analysis for uploaded data.
AutomatedAnalysisToTemplate |
Liquibase update to convert the project settings for automated Assembly and SISTR checkboxes to analysis templates.
AutomatedSISTRUpdate |
Class to translate automated SISTR analyses into metadata entries for
associated samples.
BaseController |
Base class for controllers so that they all can have access to common functionality.
BaseModel |
Base for UI models
BasePermission<DomainObjectType> |
Root interface for any permissions being built within IRIDA.
BasicStatsResponse |
UI Response to to encapsulate basic usage statistics.
BioHanselSampleUpdater |
BioJavaSequenceFileUtilitiesImpl |
Sequence file utilities class using BioJava for calculation
BreadCrumbInterceptor |
Interceptor for handling UI BreadCrumbs
BuiltInAnalysisTypes |
Cart |
Session object to hold samples that are currently in the cart.
CartAjaxController |
AJAX controller for cart functionality
CartController |
Controller managing interactions with the selected sequences
CartGalaxyController |
Controller to handle all ajax requests made to the cart that have to do with
CartProjectModel |
Model for UI to represent a project and its sample within the cart.
CartProjectSample |
Data transfer object for getting the samples that are in the cart and their relevant project identifier
CartSampleModel |
Used to represent a Sample on the UI Cart Page.
CartSampleRequest |
Object to handle samples that have been sent to the server to be added to the
CartSamplesByUserPermissions |
Data transfer object for getting the samples that are in the cart.
CartUpdateResponse |
Return value for adding samples to the samples cart.
ChecksumFileProcessor |
CleanupAnalysisSubmissionCondition |
CleanupAnalysisSubmissionConditionAge |
ClientsAjaxController |
Controller to handle ajax request for IRIDA Clients.
ClientTableModel |
ClientTableRequest |
UI request for client details for the clients table.
ConcatenateException |
ControllerExceptionHandler |
Globally handles exceptions thrown by controllers.
Coverage |
UI Model for the minimum and maximum coverage and genome size for a project
CoverageFileProcessor |
CoverageQCEntry |
a QCEntry relating to the coverage of a sequence
CreateLibraryException |
When there is an issue building a new data library.
CreateNamedParameterSetAjaxResponse |
Response for creating a new set of named parameters on the pipeline launch page.
CreateProjectRequest |
Data transfer object for creating a new project.
CreateRemoteProjectRequest |
Used to capture details about creating a new remote project through the UI
CreateSampleRequest |
UI Request to create a new sample
CreateUpdateClientDetails |
Used by the UI to send details for a new client.
CRUDService<IdentifierType extends,Type extends Timestamped<IdentifierType>> |
All Service interfaces should extend this interface to inherit common methods
relating to creating, reading, updating and deleting objects from
CRUDServiceImpl<KeyType extends,ValueType extends Timestamped<KeyType>> |
A universal CRUD service for all types.
CSVView |
Write out CSV files to the client.
CurrentUser |
Details about the currently logged in user for use by the UI.
CurrentUserAjaxController |
UI Controller to get information about the current user
DashboardController |
User Login Page Controller
DataAddedToSampleProjectEvent |
DatasetCollectionType |
The different types for a dataset collection.
DataStorage |
Defines the location of data to upload on a filesystem.
DataTable |
Static string used in the ResponseBody for DataTables calls.
DataTablesColumnDefinitions |
Responsible for extracting and representing DataTables Columns
DataTablesExportable |
This interface is responsible for enforcing that classes implementing
DataTablesResponseModel and
need to be exportable will be able to explicitly state which attributes and in which order they need to be exported.
DataTablesExportToFile |
Used to export datatables to either excel or csv formatted files.
DataTablesExportTypes |
This class represents the types of files that can be exported from a datatable.
DataTablesParams |
Represents all parameters within a DataTables request.
DataTablesRequest |
DataTablesRequestResolver |
DataTablesResponse |
This is returned to client in an HttpServletResponse in the format the can be consumed
by jQuery DataTables.
DataTablesResponseModel |
Responsible for adding a DataTables rowId property to the response.
DateJson |
Class containing custom JSON serializers/deserializers for Dates.
DateJson.DateDeserializer |
Custom JSON deserializer date from format yyyy-MM-DD.
DateJson.DateSerializer |
Custom JSON serializer to format date as yyyy-MM-DD.
DateUtilities |
Utilities class to help with date conversions.
DefaultFileProcessingChain |
DeleteGalaxyObjectFailedException |
Exception when there is a failure to delete a Galaxy object.
DownloadRequest |
Request information to download samples from the project samples table
DTProject |
User interface model for DataTables for Project
DTProjectSamples |
DuplicateSampleException |
EmailController |
Interface describing methods for emailing information to the user
EmailControllerImpl |
This class is responsible for all email sent to the server that are templated with Thymeleaf.
EmailScheduledTaskConfig |
Scheduled taks configuration for sending digest emails
EntityExistsException |
When an entity to be created in the database shares an identifier with an
existing entity.
EntityNotFoundException |
When an entity cannot be found in the database.
EntriesResponse |
Response for linelist to include total count
ErrorNotification |
Consumed by the UI to display an error notification.
ErrorResponse |
ExcelCol |
Used as a response for encapsulating excel column data
ExcelData |
Used as a response for encapsulating parsed excel file data
ExcelHeader |
Used as a response for encapsulating excel header column data
ExcelRow |
Used as a response for encapsulating excel parsed row data
ExceptionPropertyAndMessage |
Class storing a property name and a message name to display if the property
is in error.
ExceptionUtilities |
Utilities class for Exception handling.
ExecutionManager |
Defines an ExecutionManager for executing a workflow.
ExecutionManagerConfig |
Configuration for connections to an ExecutionManager in IRIDA.
ExecutionManagerConfigurationException |
An exception that gets thrown for an invalid configuration option for an execution manager.
ExecutionManagerDownloadException |
Thrown when there is an issue downloading data from an execution manager.
ExecutionManagerException |
Exception that gets thrown when dealing with data or workflows from an external
execution manager (e.g.
ExecutionManagerGalaxy |
Defines an ExecutionManager Galaxy implementation for interacting with Galaxy.
ExecutionManagerObjectNotFoundException |
Exception thrown if an object is not found by the execution manager
ExecutorConfig |
Configuration for a task executor for running scheduled tasks.
ExistingSampleNameException |
Exception thrown when trying to add a Sample to a Project with a duplicate sample name
ExportFormatException |
Exception thrown when attempting to export a table with an unknown format.
ExportToFileModel |
Used the get the form details submitted via a post to export samples to a CSV.
ExportUploadService |
ExportUploadState |
Fast5Object |
Fast5Object.Fast5Type |
Type of file stored buy this fast5 object
Fast5ObjectRemoteRepository |
Fast5ObjectRemoteRepositoryImpl |
Fast5ObjectRemoteService |
A service for reading Fast5Object s from a remote location
Fast5ObjectRemoteServiceImpl |
FastaView |
Write out FASTA formatted sequence files to the client.
FastQCDetailsResponse |
Used by UI to encapsulate fastqc details.
FastqcFileProcessor |
Executes FastQC on a SequenceFile and stores the report in the
FastQCImagesResponse |
Used by UI to encapsulate fastqc images data.
FastqcToFilesystem |
Liquibase update class for moving the fastqc analysis results off the AnalysisFastQC
class (and out of the database).
FastqView |
Write out FASTQ formatted sequence files to the client.
FieldUpdate |
Used by UI when any field needs to have its value updated.
FileProcessingChain |
FileProcessingScheduledTaskConfig |
Scheduled task configuration for running file processors
FileProcessor |
Responsible for processing a SequenceFile after the file has been
uploaded to the server.
FileProcessorErrorQCEntry |
FileProcessorException |
Exception thrown when a FileProcessor fails to complete execution.
FileProcessorTimeoutException |
FileSizeConverter |
Converts a files size (originally in bytes) to Kilobytes
FilesystemSupplementedRepository<Type extends VersionedFileFields<java.lang.Long> & IridaThing> |
Custom implementation interface for writing the Path part of a
SequenceFile to disk.
FilesystemSupplementedRepositoryImpl<Type extends VersionedFileFields<java.lang.Long> & IridaThing> |
Custom implementation of a repository that writes the Path part of an
entity to disk.
FilesystemSupplementedRepositoryImpl.RelativePathTranslatorListener |
A JPA event listener to translate the relative paths stored in the
database to absolute paths so that everyone after the repository knows
where the file is actually stored.
FileUtilities |
FileUtils |
A class containing a number of utilities for dealing with files.
ForbidJpqlUpdateDeletePostProcessor |
A BeanPostProcessor that inspects the Query methods on a
repository bean and dies when a query is written in JPQL that tries to modify
the database with an update or delete.
Formats |
This class is responsible for holding the formats of different Strings (e.g.
GalaxyAccountEmail |
A GalaxyAccount object for storing credentials for an account in Galaxy.
GalaxyDatasetException |
This exception is thrown when there is an error obtaining a Galaxy dataset.
GalaxyDatasetNotFoundException |
Exception thrown if a given dataset is not found in galaxy
GalaxyExportAuthentication |
UI Model to hold whether the current galaxy client has a valid
security token.
GalaxyExportSample |
UI Model to return sample links in the format that galaxy expects:
GalaxyHistoriesService |
Class for working with Galaxy Histories.
GalaxyJobErrorsService |
Class to create new JobError objects using a Galaxy HistoriesClient , ToolsClient and
JobsClient if an error occurred during an Galaxy pipeline AnalysisSubmission .
GalaxyLibrariesService |
A service class for dealing with Galaxy libraries.
GalaxyOutputsForWorkflowException |
An exception in getting outputs from Galaxy for a workflow.
GalaxyProjectName |
A name for a Galaxy project (Library) used for checking the validity
of the name.
GalaxyRedirectionEndpointController |
Controller for handling OAuth2 authorization codes for the Galaxy exporter
GalaxySessionInterceptor |
Interceptor to determine if the HttpServletRequest is from a Galaxy Instance.
GalaxyToolDataService |
A service class for dealing with Galaxy Tool Data Tables.
GalaxyToolDataTableException |
An exception that gets thrown when there a problem accessing a Galaxy Tool Data Table.
GalaxyWorkflowService |
Handles operating with workflows in Galaxy.
GalaxyWorkflowState |
Defines the state of a workflow.
GalaxyWorkflowStatus |
Defines the status of a workflow.
GalaxyWorkflowStatus.GalaxyWorkflowStatusBuilder |
GenbankView |
Write out GenBank formatted sequence files to the client.
GenericsException |
GenericStatModel |
Used to represent the time period and counts for statistics.
GenomeAssembly |
Defines a genome assembly which can be associated with a sample.
GenomeAssemblyFromAnalysis |
Defines a genome assembly from an IRIDA-based analysis.
GenomeAssemblyRemoteRepository |
GenomeAssemblyRemoteRepositoryImpl |
GenomeAssemblyRemoteService |
GenomeAssemblyRemoteServiceImpl |
GenomeAssemblyRepository |
GenomeAssemblyRepositoryImpl |
GenomeAssemblyService |
GenomeAssemblyServiceImpl |
GzipFileProcessor |
Handle gzip-ed files (if necessary).
HttpHeadFilter |
Servlet filter that presents a HEAD request as a GET.
InfoNotification |
Consumed by the UI to display an information notification.
InMemoryTaxonomyService |
A TaxonomyService leveraging Apache Jena's in memory storage service
and Apache Lucene's text searching abilities.
Input |
Used in the UI to render a Irida Workflow Pipeline Parameter option
InputFileType |
Defines acceptable file types for input to a workflow.
InputWithOptions |
Represents a IRIDA Workflow Pipeline Parameter that has specific options to be rendered
within the UI.
InvalidPropertyException |
Thrown when a property cannot be set or retrieved by a service class.
IridaAccountDisabledException |
Thrown when a password reset is requested by a user whose account is disabled
IridaAnalysisTypesServiceConfig |
IridaApiAspectsConfig |
Configures the aspects in IRIDA
IridaApiFilesystemRepositoryConfig |
Configuration for filesystem repositories in IRIDA
IridaApiJdbcDataSourceConfig |
Configuration for IRIDA's JDBC Datasource
IridaApiJdbcDataSourceConfig.ApplicationContextAwareSpringLiquibase |
Custom implementation of the SpringLiquibase bean (for doing liquibase on spring startup) that
exposes the application context so that we can have access to the application context in custom
java changesets.
IridaApiPropertyPlaceholderConfig |
Configuration class for loading properties files.
IridaApiRepositoriesConfig |
Configuration for repository/data storage classes.
IridaApiSecurityConfig |
Configuration for IRIDA's spring security modules
IridaApiServicesConfig |
Configuration for the IRIDA platform.
IridaApiServicesConfig.IridaLocaleList |
Inner class storing the enabled locales for IRIDA
IridaApplication |
Entry point to Spring Boot application
IridaClientDetails |
Object representing a client that has been registered to communicate with this API via OAuth2
IridaClientDetailsRepository |
IridaClientDetailsService |
IridaClientDetailsServiceImpl |
IridaClientDetailsSpecification |
IridaCustomExceptionHandler |
Exception Handler for when a user is navigating around in the web interface.
IridaEnvironmentPostProcessor |
EnvironmentPostProcessor to translate deprecated properties into valid properties.
IridaJpaRepository<Type,Identifier extends> |
Repository type that extends PagingAndSortingRepository ,
JpaSpecificationExecutor , and RevisionRepository .
IridaOAuth2AuthorizationService |
A customized version of JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService that adds a method to find
OAuth2Authorization s with OAuth2AccessToken s for a specific RegisteredClient .
IridaOAuthErrorHandler |
IridaOAuthException |
Exception thrown when attempting to read from a remote API via OAuth2 fails.
IridaOauthSecurityConfig |
Configuration for REST API security using OAuth2
IridaOauthSecurityConfig.AuthorizationServerConfig |
Class for configuring the OAuth authorization server
IridaOauthSecurityConfig.JWKConfig |
Class for configuring the JSON Web Key for JSON Web Tokens used in OAuth2
IridaOauthSecurityConfig.ResourceServerConfig |
Class for configuring the OAuth resource server security
IridaPermissionEvaluator |
Custom permission evaluator to determine whether or not an authenticated user
has authorization to view or modify a resource.
IridaPlugin |
Interface describing the methods which must be exposed by an IRIDA pipeline
IridaPluginConfig |
Configuration file for loading IRIDA plugins
IridaPluginException |
An exception thrown when initializing IRIDA pipelines
IridaPluginMessageSource |
A MessageSource used to store and search through
MessageSource s for IRIDA Plugins.
IridaPostAuthenicationChecker |
Expired credentials should be ignored when a user is trying to change their password.
IridaPostAuthenticationFailureHandler |
AuthenticationFailureHandler used to handle specific AuthenticationException's.
IridaRegisteredClientsRepository |
A converter implementation of RegisteredClientRepository , that transforms IridaClientDetails to/from
RegisteredClient .
IridaRepresentationModel |
Adds a collection of Link s to extending objects.
IridaRestApiWebConfig |
Configuration for IRIDA REST API.
IridaScheduledTasksConfig |
Config for only activating scheduled tasks in certain profiles.
IridaSequenceFile |
Describes fields that must be made available for a Sequence File in IRIDA
IRIDASettingsAjaxController |
Handles asynchronous requests for IRIDA settings.
IridaThing |
An interface for all model classes in the IRIDA system.
IridaToolParameter |
A parameter for a particular tool in a workflow.
IridaUIWebConfig |
IridaWebSecurityConfig |
Configuration for web security using OAuth2
IridaWebSecurityConfig.UISecurityConfig |
UI security config for IRIDA
IridaWorkflow |
Describes a workflow for IRIDA.
IridaWorkflowAnalysisTypeException |
Exception for when there is an issue building a particular Analysis type.
IridaWorkflowDefaultException |
Exception that gets thrown when attempting to set a default workflow for an
analysis type that already has a default workflow set.
IridaWorkflowDescription |
Class providing access to generic information about a workflow.
IridaWorkflowDynamicSourceGalaxy |
Class providing access to information about a Dynamic Parameter Source that is supplied by Galaxy.
IridaWorkflowException |
Exception that gets thrown for any Irida workflows.
IridaWorkflowIdSet |
A class wrapping around a Set of UUID s for IRIDA workflows.
IridaWorkflowInput |
Defines the input labels for a workflow.
IridaWorkflowLoaderService |
Used to load up IRIDA workflows.
IridaWorkflowLoadException |
An exception that gets thrown when attempting to load a workflow.
IridaWorkflowNamedParameters |
Users can create, save, and re-use named parameters in their workflow
IridaWorkflowNoParameterException |
Defines an exception in cases of no parameters within an IRIDA workflow.
IridaWorkflowNotDisplayableException |
Exception that gets thrown if a workflow is not displayable.
IridaWorkflowNotFoundException |
Exception that gets thrown if a workflow is not found.
IridaWorkflowOutput |
Defines the output files and file names for a workflow.
IridaWorkflowParameter |
Defines input parameters for a workflow which can be adjusted.
IridaWorkflowParameterChoice |
Defines a valid choice for a parameter of a workflow.
IridaWorkflowParameterException |
Defines an exception for parameters within an IRIDA workflow.
IridaWorkflowsConfig |
Class used to load up test workflows.
IridaWorkflowSet |
Wraps around a Set of IridaWorkflow s to allow it
to be handled as a spring managed bean.
IridaWorkflowsService |
Class used to load up installed workflows in IRIDA.
IridaWorkflowStructure |
Defines the structure of a workflow for IRIDA.
IridaWorkflowToolRepository |
Defines a Galaxy ToolShed repository containing dependency tools for a workflow.
JobError |
Galaxy Job failure information when a tool in a IRIDA workflow produces an error
state for an AnalysisSubmission
JobErrorRepository |
A repository for managing JobError objects
Join<SubjectType extends IridaThing,ObjectType extends IridaThing> |
Interface that the join classes should extend.
LabelledRelationshipResource<Owner extends IridaThing,Child extends IridaThing> |
An implementation of a resource that only has a label and an identifier.
Latitude |
Validates geographic latitude coordinate values.
LatitudeValidator |
Validator for validating latitude portion of a geographic coordinate.
LaunchAjaxController |
Controller to handle AJAX requests from the UI for Workflow Pipelines
LaunchController |
Controller for workflow launch pages.
LaunchesProjectEvent |
Annotation to be put on methods which should create a ProjectEvent .
LaunchRequest |
Information required to launch a IRIDA Workflow Pipeline
LaunchSample |
Represents a sample within the cart on the pipeline launch page.
LineListController |
This controller is responsible for AJAX handling for the line list page, which displays sample metadata.
LinkNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when there is no link for a given rel when reading from an API
ListItem |
Generic List item for UI responses.
ListResourceWrapper<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel> |
Object wrapping a list of returned resources from a remote IRIDA API.
Locale |
Stores locale info.
LoginController |
LoginSuccessHandler |
Handles actions for when a user is successfully logged in.
Longitude |
Validates geographic longitude coordinate values.
LongitudeValidator |
Validator for validating longitude portion of a geographic coordinate.
ManageLocalProjectSettingsPermission |
Permission checking if a user can update local project settings
MergeRequest |
DTO to handle merging 2 samples
MetadataAjaxController |
Ajax controller for project metadata templates.
MetadataEntry |
Class for storing generic metadata for a Sample
MetadataEntryRepository |
MetadataEntryRepositoryCustom |
MetadataEntryRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of the custom methods for retrieving MetadataEntry
MetadataFieldRepository |
MetadataFieldRepositoryCustom |
MetadataFieldRepositoryImpl |
MetadataImportFileTypeNotSupportedError |
Exception to be thrown if the upload metadata file does not match any
of the predetermined formats.
MetadataRestriction |
A class to define restrictions on which metadata fields can be viewed by a ProjectRole on a Project
MetadataRestrictionRepository |
MetadataRoleValidate |
Validation annotation to validate that if the projectRole is set to PROJECT_OWNER for a user/usergroup then the
metadataRole must be set to the highest level An array of fields (projectRole, metadataRole) must be supplied
MetadataTemplate |
MetadataTemplateField |
MetadataTemplateRepository |
MetadataTemplateService |
MetadataTemplateServiceImpl |
MethodEvent |
Captures the arguments and return value of a method call.
MinimalModel |
Basic implementation for items that want to return a smaller model to the UI Usually should stay as just name and
MissingRequiredParametersException |
This exception is thrown if a pipeline is attempted to be launched that
has required parameters that haven't been provided
ModelKeys |
Use as prefixes when generating UI model keys.
ModifyProjectPermission |
Superclass permission whether a user can modify project settings.
MutableIridaThing |
An object that can be modified
NCBIAjaxController |
Spring Ajax Controller to handle NCBI requests.
NcbiBioSampleFiles |
NcbiBioSampleFiles.Builder |
NcbiBioSampleModel |
Describes an NCBI SRA Submission's BioSample's files for the UI.
NcbiExportSubmission |
Class storing a request to upload sequence data to NCBI.
NcbiExportSubmissionAdminTableModel |
NcbiExportSubmissionRepository |
NcbiExportSubmissionService |
NcbiExportSubmissionServiceImpl |
Service impl for submitting data to NCBI
NcbiExportSubmissionTableModel |
NcbiInstrumentModel |
 * Instrument model for NCBI Upload.
NcbiLibrarySelection |
Library selection of an ncbi export
NcbiLibrarySource |
Library source of an NCBI export
NcbiLibraryStrategy |
Library strategy of an ncbi export
NcbiPlatform |
List of all available NCBI Platforms
NcbiPlatformInstrumentModel |
Represents the relationship between sequencing platforms and instruments allowed by NCBI
NCBISubmission |
A group definition for fields that are required when submitting to NCBI
NcbiSubmissionModel |
Describes an NCBI SRA Submission for the UI
NCBISubmissionOneOf |
NCBI defines some attributes as a "one-of" must not be null.
NcbiSubmissionRequest |
Request for submitting to the NCBI SRA
NcbiSubmissionSample |
NcbiUploadScheduledTaskConfig |
Scheduled task configuration for uploading to NCBI
NcbiXmlParseException |
Exception thrown when there's an error parsing NCBI responses
NewickFileView |
Write out Newick formatted tree files to the client.
NewMemberRequest |
Used to send information to the server about a user to be added as a project member
NewProjectMetadataRestriction |
Helper class when creating a project with samples from the cart to indicate which restriction level
the metadata attached should have.
NGSLinkerAjaxController |
Controller to handle asynchronous request for the ngs-linker
NGSLinkerCmdRequest |
Data transfer object for creating a command for the
NGSLinkerService |
Service for converting data for creating the ngs-linker command.
NoGalaxyHistoryException |
An exception that gets thrown when there is no history in Galaxy that can be found.
NoPercentageCompleteException |
An exception that gets thrown when no percentage complete exists for an
AnalysisSubmission .
NoSuchValueException |
Exception thrown when attempting to access a value that does not currently exist.
Notification |
Abstract class to represent an Ant Design UI notification.
NotificationType |
Different types of notification found in Ant Design
OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordAuthenticationConverter |
Attempts to extract an Access Token Request from HttpServletRequest for the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password
Credentials Grant and then converts it to an OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordAuthenticationToken used for
authenticating the authorization grant.
OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordAuthenticationProvider |
An AuthenticationProvider impementation for the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordAuthenticationToken |
An Authentication implementation used for the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
OAuthTokenRestTemplate |
Rest Template used to communicate with OAuth2 enabled REST APIs.
OltuAuthorizationController |
Controller for handling OAuth2 authorizations
OpenAPIConfig |
Configuration for IRIDA REST API documentation.
OverrepresentedSequence |
A SequenceFile may have 0 or more over-represented sequences.
PagedListResponse |
UI Response for returning a paged list to the UI.
PairedEndSequenceFileModel |
ParameterBuilderGalaxy |
A class used to build up the parameter data structures used for Galaxy.
ParameterBuilderGalaxy.ParameterId |
An id for a particular parameter.
PasswordExpiryChecker |
Checks whether a user's password has changed within the configured expiry time.
PasswordReset |
A password reset object.
PasswordResetAjaxController |
Handles asynchronous requests for password resets.
PasswordResetController |
Controller for handling password reset flow
PasswordResetRepository |
A repository to store password resets for a user.
PasswordResetService |
PasswordResetServiceImpl |
PasswordReusedException |
Thrown when a user attempts to update a password with one they've already used.
PathConverter |
Converts a Path to a String before persisting a value to a
column in a database.
PathJson |
Serialization class for java Path objects.
PathJson.PathSerializer |
Serializer for Java Path objects.
Pipeline |
Analysis Workflow pipeline for consumption by the UI.
PipelineController |
Controller for pipeline related views
PipelineProvidedMetadataEntry |
PostProcessingException |
PreparedWorkflow<WorkflowInputsType extends WorkflowInputsGeneric> |
A Workflow that has been prepared for execution.
PreparedWorkflowGalaxy |
A Galaxy workflow that has been prepared for execution.
Priorities |
UI model for the priority and available priorities for a projects automated pipelines
Project |
A project object.
ProjectAnalysisSubmissionJoin |
ProjectAnalysisSubmissionJoinRepository |
ProjectAssociatedProjectsAjaxController |
Ajax Controller for handling associated projects
ProjectCartSample |
This class is USED ONLY for when a user selects all sample to be added to the cart from the project samples page.
ProjectControllerUtils |
Common functions for project related controllers
ProjectCurrentUserModel |
Details about how the current user can interact with a specific project
ProjectDetailsAjaxController |
Handle asynchronous requests for the UI project details page.
ProjectDetailsResponse |
Encapsulates information about the project as well as permissions.
ProjectEvent |
Class storing events that happen on a Project .
ProjectEventAspect |
Aspect used to create project events for methods annotated with event annotations
ProjectEventEmailScheduledTask |
ProjectEventEmailScheduledTaskImpl |
ProjectEventHandler |
ProjectEventRepository |
Repository for storing events that occurred on a project
ProjectEventService |
ProjectEventServiceImpl |
ProjectHashingService |
Component used to compute a deep hashcode of a full project.
ProjectHashResource |
Resource class for storing a full project hash for the REST API
ProjectLineListController |
Handles requests for the metadata in a project
ProjectMembersAjaxController |
Controller for all asynchronous request from the UI for Project Members
ProjectMemberTableModel |
Represents a Project member in the UI.
ProjectMetadataField |
ProjectMetadataResponse |
Object grouping a project and all the metadata for samples within that project.
ProjectMetadataRole |
Role for a user's level of metadata access for a project.
ProjectMetadataRoleValidator |
Hibernate validator to validate if a user/usegroup is a manager on a project then their metadata role should be set
to the highest level.
ProjectMetadataTemplate |
Used to represent a project metadata template in the UI.
ProjectMinimalModel |
Minimal model for a Project in the UI
ProjectModel |
Representation of a Project used in the UI Projects listing table.
ProjectObject |
Representation of a Project used in the Project Samples table.
ProjectOwnerPermission |
Confirms that a given user is the owner of a project
ProjectReferenceFileController |
Controller for ajax request dealing with project reference files.
ProjectReferenceFileJoin |
ProjectReferenceFileJoinRepository |
ProjectRemoteRepository |
Service for reading Project objects from a remote IRIDA API
ProjectRemoteRepositoryImpl |
ProjectRemoteService |
Service for reading Project objects from a remote IRIDA API
ProjectRemoteServiceImpl |
Remote service for retrieving Project s
ProjectRepository |
Specialized repository for Project .
ProjectRepositoryCustom |
Custom repository methods for Project s
ProjectRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of custom repository methods for Project s
ProjectRole |
Roles for users accessing projects.
ProjectsAjaxController |
Controller for handling all ajax requests for Projects.
ProjectSampleAnalysisOutputInfo |
ProjectSampleJoin |
ProjectSampleJoinRepository |
ProjectSampleJoinSpecification |
ProjectSampleMetadataAjaxController |
ProjectSampleModel |
Used for exporting the project samples table.
ProjectSamplesAjaxController |
AJAX Controller for handling asynchronous requests for project samples.
ProjectSamplesFilter |
DTO to handle filtering samples in a project
ProjectSamplesMetadataTemplateController |
ProjectSamplesTableRequest |
DTO for representing a page request in the Project Samples table
ProjectSampleTableItem |
Representation of a row used in the Project Samples table.
ProjectsController |
Controller for project related views
ProjectService |
A specialized service layer for projects.
ProjectServiceImpl |
A specialized service layer for projects.
ProjectSettingsAjaxController |
Controller to handle all asynchronous call from the project settings UI.
ProjectSettingsRemoteAjaxController |
Controller for managing settings for a remotely sync'd project
ProjectSubscription |
Class for storing email subscriptions to Project s for User s .
ProjectSubscriptionRepository |
ProjectSubscriptionsAjaxController |
ProjectSubscriptionService |
A specialized service layer for project subscriptions.
ProjectSubscriptionServiceImpl |
A specialized service layer for project subscriptions.
ProjectSyncFrequency |
Describes how often a project should be synchronized by a remote api
ProjectSynchronizationAuthenticationToken |
An authentication token used to identify when an action is being taken during
project synchronization.
ProjectSynchronizationException |
An exception thrown when there is an error synchronizing a project.
ProjectSynchronizationService |
Service class to run a project synchornization task.
ProjectSyncScheduledTaskConfig |
Scheduled task configuration for synchronizing projects from other IRIDA installations
ProjectUserGroupsAjaxController |
UI Ajax Controller for handling project user groups
ProjectUserGroupsTableModel |
UI Model for user groups that are associated with a project
ProjectUserJoin |
A join table and class for users and projects.
ProjectUserJoinRepository |
ProjectWithoutOwnerException |
Exception thrown if role change is not allowed
QCEntry |
QCEntry.QCEntryStatus |
Status of a QCEntry , whether checks are positive, negative, or can't be calculated.
QCEntry.QCEntryType |
QCEntryRepository |
Repository for saving and retrieving QCEntry objects
ReadAnalysisPermission |
ReadAnalysisSubmissionPermission |
ReadExportSubmissionPermission |
ReadMetadataEntryPermission |
ReadMetadataTemplatePermission |
ReadProjectMetadataResponsePermission |
ReadProjectPermission |
Confirms that the authenticated user is allowed to read a project.
ReadReferenceFilePermission |
Permission testing if a given user can read a given reference file.
ReadSamplePermission |
Confirms that the authenticated user is allowed to read a sample.
ReadSequencingObjectPermission |
ReadSequencingRunPermission |
RecursiveDeleteVisitor |
Delete an entire directory structure recursively.
ReferenceFile |
A reference file to be associated with a Project .
ReferenceFileAjaxController |
Controller for ajax actions for reference files
ReferenceFileRepository |
ReferenceFileRepositoryImpl |
ReferenceFileRequiredException |
This exception is thrown if a pipeline is attempted to be launched that
requires a reference file, but does not have one.
ReferenceFileService |
ReferenceFileServiceImpl |
RelatedProjectJoin |
RelatedProjectRepository |
RemoteAPI |
Description of a remote Irida API that this API can communicate with via
RemoteAPIAjaxController |
Controller for asynchronous requests for remote api functionality.
RemoteAPIController |
Controller handling basic operations for listing, viewing, adding, and removing RemoteAPI s
RemoteAPIModel |
UI Model to represent the details of a RemoteAPI
RemoteAPIRepository |
A repository to store RemoteAPI instances that this IRIDA instance can
connect to
RemoteAPIService |
Service for storing and retrieving RemoteAPI s that this API can connect to
RemoteAPIServiceImpl |
RemoteAPISpecification |
RemoteAPITableAdminModel |
Represents a RemoteAPI in the Remote API table.
RemoteAPITableModel |
Represents a RemoteAPI in the Remote API table.
RemoteAPIToken |
RemoteApiTokenRepository |
RemoteAPITokenService |
Service for saving and reading tokens for Remote APIs
RemoteAPITokenServiceImpl |
Service implementation for storing and reading remote api tokens
RemoteFileNotCachedException |
Exception thrown when a remote file is attempted to be used before it has
been cached locally.
RemoteProjectModel |
Used to represent a remote project for selecting from available remote projects in the
create remote synchronized project form
RemoteProjectSettings |
Used as a response for encapsulating a remote synchronized project settings
RemoteProjectSettingsUpdateRequest |
Used to handle requests from the UI to update settings for a remote sync'd project.
RemoteRepository<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel> |
A repository for storing and retrieving objects from a remote api
RemoteRepositoryImpl<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel> |
RemoteService<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel & IridaThing> |
Service for communicating with a remote IRIDA instance
RemoteServiceImpl<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel & IridaThing> |
Remote service to request from remote IRIDA instances using OAuth2
RemoteStatus |
Information about an entity that was copied from a remote api.
RemoteStatus.SyncStatus |
The status of the synchronized object
RemoteSynchronizable |
Marks an object which can be synchronized from a RemoteAPI
RemoveSamplesRequest |
DTO for removing samples from a project
RepositoryBackedPermission<DomainObjectType,IdentifierType extends> |
Superclass for permissions on objects which can be read from a CrudRepository .
ResourceAdditionalProperties<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel> |
Class to be used when returning additional properties about a model object
via the REST API.
ResourceCollection<Type> |
ResourceList<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel> |
Class to hold a list of resources when being read from a remote Irida API
ResourceWrapper<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel> |
Object wrapping a resource read from an Irida API
ResponseDetails |
Used as a response for ajax result
ResponseProjectResource<Type> |
The resource for displaying the API project response.
ResponseResource<Type> |
The resource for displaying the API responses.
RESTAnalysisSubmissionController |
RESTGenericController<Type extends IridaRepresentationModel & IridaThing & java.lang.Comparable<Type>> |
A controller that can serve any model from the database.
RESTOAuthAuthorizationConsentController |
Controller class for serving custom OAuth2 authorization consent pages
RESTProjectAnalysisController |
RESTProjectSamplesController |
Controller for managing relationships between Project and
Sample .
RESTProjectsController |
Controller for managing Project s in the database.
RESTProjectUsersController |
Controller for managing relationships between Project and User .
RESTRootController |
A basis for clients to begin discovering other URLs in our API.
RESTSampleAssemblyController |
Controller for viewing and downloading assemblies for samples
RESTSampleMetadataController |
REST controller to handle storing and retrieving metadata from a Sample
RESTSampleSequenceFilesController |
RESTSequencingRunController |
RESTSequencingRunSequenceFilesController |
RESTUsersController |
Controller for managing users.
Role |
Roles for authorization in the application.
Role |
Represents a ProjectRole in the interface,
including it's translation.
Role |
Stores role info.
RoleMixin |
This mixin class is used to serialize/deserialize Role .
RoleUtilities |
Utilities class to help with role access.
RootResource |
Resource for sending links back when a client requests the root resource.
RunAsUser |
RunAsUserAspect |
Aspect to update the Authentication object in the SecurityContext to be the
user specified in the annotation using SpEL.
Sample |
A biological sample.
SampleAddedProjectEvent |
SampleAnalyses |
Used to return analyses ran with Sample sequencing objects back to the user interface.
SampleAnalysisDuplicateException |
If there is a duplicate Sample which is being sent for analysis.
SampleDetails |
Used to return details of a Sample back to the user interface.
SampleExportFiles |
SampleFiles |
Collection of different files that can be on a sample
SampleFilesResponse |
Response for getting details about the files belonging to multiple samples
SampleGenomeAssemblyFileModel |
Used to send genome assembly object information with file size to the UI
SampleGenomeAssemblyJoin |
SampleGenomeAssemblyJoinRepository |
SampleMergeException |
Error thrown during the samples merge process
SampleMetadata |
Used to return Sample metadata back to the user interface.
SampleMetadataFieldEntry |
Used to return metadata field and entry back to the user interface.
SampleMetadataResponse |
Response class for grouping MetadataEntry s for response in the REST API
SampleMetadataStorage |
Used to store information relating to sample metadata during upload.
SampleMetadataStorageRow |
Used to store information relating to sample metadata rows during upload.
SampleNameValidationResponse |
UI Response to indicate the value of validating a proposed sample name.
SampleObject |
Representation of a Sample used in the Project Samples table.
SamplePairer |
Utility class for pairing up sequence files with
common prefixes and expected characters for forward
and reverse sequence files.
SampleRemoteRepository |
SampleRemoteRepositoryImpl |
SampleRemoteService |
SampleRemoteServiceImpl |
SampleRemovedProjectEvent |
Event for when a sample is removed from a project.
SampleRepository |
A repository for storing Sample objects
SampleRepositoryCustom |
Custom repository methods for Sample s
SampleRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of custom repository methods for Sample s
SamplesAjaxController |
Controller for asynchronous requests for a Sample
SampleSequencingObjectFileModel |
Used to send sequencing object information with file sizes to the UI
SampleSequencingObjectJoin |
SampleSequencingObjectJoinRepository |
SampleSequencingObjectSpecification |
SampleService |
A service class for working with samples.
SampleServiceImpl |
Service class for managing Sample .
SavedMetadataErrorResponse |
Returns the SampleMetadataStorage on error.
SavedMetadataException |
Returns the SampleMetadataStorage on error.
SavedPipelineParameters |
Used by the UI for displaying a named pipeline parameter set.
SavePipelineParametersRequest |
Used to save new values for Saved Pipeline Parameters on the Pipeline Launch Page
SchemaExporter |
Export the current hibernate-generated schema (with auditing tables).
SearchController |
Controller to manage global searching
SearchCriteria |
Define a search criteria for a given key and value.
SearchOperation |
Search operations available to use in SearchCriteria's
SelectOption |
Generically represents a UI Select Option
SequenceConcatenation |
SequenceConcatenationRepository |
SequenceFile |
A file that may be stored somewhere on the file system and belongs to a
particular Sample .
SequenceFileAjaxController |
Ajax controller to get data for the fastqc page.
SequenceFileAnalysisException |
Thrown when there is an issue with a SequenceFile analysis.
SequenceFileDetails |
SequenceFileMessageConverter |
Message markdownConverter for converting application/fastq HTTP responses to a Java
Path temporary file
SequenceFileModel |
SequenceFilePair |
A pair of sequence files in forward/reverse orientation.
SequenceFilePairConcatenator |
SequenceFilePairRemoteRepository |
SequenceFilePairRemoteRepositoryImpl |
SequenceFilePairRemoteService |
Remote service for reading sequence file pairs from a remote api
SequenceFilePairRemoteServiceImpl |
Remote service implementation for reading sequence file pairs from a remote api
SequenceFileProcessorLauncher |
SequenceFileRemoteRepository |
Repository for reading SequenceFile s from a Remote IRIDA installation
SequenceFileRemoteRepositoryImpl |
SequenceFileRepository |
A repository to store information about sequence files.
SequenceFileRepositoryImpl |
SequenceFileResource |
SequenceFileUtilities |
Utility class for executing common functions on sequence files
SequencerUILoginException |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account's role is ROLE_SEQUENCER.
SequencingObject |
Objects that were obtained from some sequencing platform.
SequencingObject.ProcessingState |
The status of the file processing upon upload
SequencingObjectConcatenator<Type extends SequencingObject> |
SequencingObjectConcatenatorFactory |
SequencingObjectProcessingService |
SequencingObjectRemoteService<Type extends SequencingObject> |
SequencingObjectRemoteServiceImpl<Type extends SequencingObject> |
Service to read SequencingObjects from a remote api.
SequencingObjectRepository |
SequencingObjectService |
SequencingObjectServiceImpl |
SequencingRun |
This class represents a collection of sequence files that have come off one run of a sequencer.
SequencingRun.LayoutType |
The type of layout for the run.
SequencingRunAjaxController |
Controller to handle AJAX requests for sequencing run data
SequencingRunController |
Controller for displaying and interacting with SequencingRun objects
SequencingRunDetails |
Data transfer object for retrieving sequencing run details from a sql query.
SequencingRunModel |
Model to format a SequencingRun into a format that can be used in the UI Table.
SequencingRunRepository |
SequencingRunService |
Service layer for SequencingRun objects
SequencingRunServiceImpl |
SequencingRunsListRequest |
Request for data for the sequencing run listing page.
SequencingRunUploadStatus |
ServletInitializer |
Servlet Initializer for Spring Boot application
SessionFilter |
Filter to be used to add constants to the session for templating
ShareMetadataRestriction |
Helper class used when sharing / moving samples to indicate, which restriction level
the metadata attached should have.
ShareSamplesRequest |
Handles data transfer for sharing samples between projects
SingleEndSequenceFile |
SingleEndSequenceFileConcatenator |
SingleEndSequenceFileModel |
SingleEndSequenceFileRemoteRepository |
SingleEndSequenceFileRemoteRepositoryImpl |
SingleEndSequenceFileRemoteService |
SingleEndSequenceFileRemoteServiceImpl |
SistrResult |
Used as a response for encapsulating a SISTR result object
SISTRSampleUpdater |
SlashFilter |
A simple filter that wraps HttpServletRequest to replace any incoming
requests with two or more slashes with a single slash.
StateFilter |
Class for conversion from JSON.
StaticMetadataTemplateField |
A MetadataTemplateField with a special key "irida-static-*" to specify that it is statically added to a
Sample and not part of the sample metadata.
StatisticsResponse |
UI Response to to encapsulate statistics.
StatisticTimePeriod |
Defines a arrays of time periods and group by formats used for getting statistics for the Admin Panel.
StorageException |
When a database error occurs
SubmissionIds |
This class is used to store workflow submission ids in the session.
SuccessNotification |
Consumed by the UI to display a success notification.
TableModel |
Used as the base class of any item to be represented in an Table.
TableModel |
Used as the base class of any item to be represented in an Table.
TableRequest |
Handles the conversion of the HttpRequestBody into an object.
TableRequest |
Default for request for table contents.
TableResponse |
Contains information needed for listing of items in an ag-grid table
TableResponse<T extends TableModel> |
Response sent when items are requested for a table.
TaxonomyAjaxController |
Handle asynchronous request related to the taxonomy ontology.
TaxonomyEntry |
Used by the UI to generate a select input based on a search within the taxonomy.
TaxonomyService |
Service for reading taxonomy information
TestEmailController |
Email controller used for testing.
Timestamped<Identifier> |
An object with a timestamp and ID
TimestampJson |
Serialization class for java Date objects.
TimestampJson.TimestampSerializer |
Default serializer for Date objects.
TimestampMixin |
This mixin class is used to serialize/deserialize Timestamp .
ToolExecution |
A historical record of how a tool was executed by a workflow execution
manager to produce some set of outputs.
ToolsListExporter |
Exports a YAML configuration file containing the list of all tools necessary
in Galaxy to run this IRIDA instance.
TreeNode<ValueType> |
Simple generic tree node with links to parent and a list of children
UIActivitiesService |
UI service for converting events into UI activities.
UIAddAssociatedProjectException |
Error to throw if there is an error adding an associated project to a project
UIAdminStatisticsService |
A utility class for formatting responses for the admin statistics page UI.
UIAnalysesOutputsService |
UI Service for all things related to project single sample analysis outputs.
UIAnalysesService |
UI Service for analyses
UIAnnouncementsService |
A utility class for formatting responses for the announcements page UI.
UIAssociatedProjectsService |
Service for handling associated projects
UICartService |
Service for handling all aspects of interaction with the Cart.
UIClientService |
UI Service to handle IRIDA Clients
UIConstraintViolationException |
Used by UI to contain internationalized constraint violations.
UIEmailSendException |
Exception to be thrown by the UI when an email failed to send.
UIEntityNotFoundException |
Exception to be thrown by the UI when the entity does not exist.
UIMetadataField |
This is a generic class to represent all possible headers (MetadataFields)
in a line list.
UIMetadataFieldDefault |
Represents metadata fields that are not part of the sample metadata, but are included
on the line list page.
UIMetadataFileImportService |
UI service to handle parsing metadata files so they can be saved to the
UIMetadataImportService |
UI service to handle importing metadata files, so they can be saved to the
UIMetadataService |
Service for Metadata Templates in the user interface
UIMetadataTemplate |
UINcbiService |
Utility class for formatting responses for NCBI Export Listing page UI.
UIPasswordResetService |
Handles service calls for password resets.
UIPipelineDetailsResponse |
Model class to send details about a workflow pipeline to the UI
Used on the launch pipeline page.
UIPipelineSampleService |
UI Service for all things related to samples within the pipeline
UIPipelineService |
UI Service for all things related to workflow pipelines.
UIPipelineStartService |
UIProjectMembersService |
Service class for the UI for handling project members actions.
UIProjectReferenceFileService |
A utility class for formatting responses for the project reference files page UI.
UIProjectSampleService |
UI Service to handle samples within a project.
UIProjectsService |
A utility class for formatting responses for the project members page UI.
UIProjectSubscriptionService |
A utility class for formatting responses for the project subscriptions page UI.
UIProjectUserGroupsService |
UI Service to handle requests for project user groups.
UIProjectWithoutOwnerException |
Exception to be thrown by the UI when the member being removed from the project,
would leave the project without a manager.
UIReferenceFile |
Represents a reference file in the UI.
UIRemoteAPIService |
UI Service to handle request for Remote APIs
UIRemoteProjectService |
A utility class for doing operations on remote project sync settings.
UIRemoveAssociatedProjectException |
Exception to through if there is an error removing an associated project from a project
UISampleFilter |
User Interface model for available field to filter the Project Samples by.
UISampleMetadata |
Represents Sample metadata in the linelist table.
UISampleService |
UI Service for samples
UISequenceFileService |
UISequencingRunService |
UISettingsService |
Handles service calls for settings in IRIDA.
UIShareSamplesException |
Exception to through if there is an error sharing samples between projects
UIUserFormException |
Exception to be thrown by the UI when a user cannot be created or updated.
UIUserGroupsService |
Service class for the UI for handling UserGroup s
UIUsersService |
Handles service call for the administration of the IRIDA users.
UIUserStatisticsService |
UI Service for handling requests related to user statistics
UIUserStatusException |
Exception to throw if there is an error updating the user status
UnauthenticatedAnonymousAuthenticationFilter |
Anonymous authentication filter that sets anonymous tokens as being
UndefinedPermissionException |
UnsupportedReferenceFileContentError |
Error that's thrown when BioJava can't parse an uploaded reference file.
UpdateAnalysisSubmissionPermission |
UpdatedAnalysisProgress |
Used by the UI to to update the state and duration of an analysis.
UpdatedAnalysisTableProgress |
Used by the UI to to update the state and duration of an analysis.
UpdateException |
Thrown if there was an error during the update.
UpdateMetadataTemplatePermission |
UpdateProjectAttributeRequest |
Used to handle requests from the UI to update a specific attribute on a project.
UpdateReferenceFilePermission |
Confirms that the authenticated user is allowed to modify a reference file.
UpdateSampleAttributeRequest |
Used to handle requests from the UI to update a specific attribute on a sample.
UpdateSampleMetadataRequest |
Used to handle requests from the UI to update a sample metadata field/entry/restriction.
UpdateSamplePermission |
Custom permission implementation for updating Sample .
UpdateSampleRequest |
UI Request to update an existing sample
UpdateSamplesFromAnalysisSubmissionPermission |
Permission for whether a user can update samples in a given analysis submission.
UpdateSequencingRunPermission |
Permission checking if a user is the owner of a SequencingRun or if
UpdateUserGroupPermission |
Confirms that the authenticated user is allowed to modify a user group.
UpdateUserPermission |
Confirms that the authenticated user is allowed to modify another (or their own) user account.
UploadConnectionException |
Thrown when a connection to a remote site for uploading data fails.
UploadedAssembly |
A GenomeAssembly implementation that was uploaded by a user or
UploaderAccountName |
An account name for setting up permissions of uploaded files to a remote
UploadErrorException |
Exception that gets thrown when there is an error while uploading data to a
separate data management system (e.g.
UploadException |
Exception that gets thrown when uploading data to a separate data management
system (e.g.
UploadProjectName |
Defines the name of a project to be uploaded to a remote site.
UploadReferenceFilesResponse |
Used by UI to handle the return of a successful upload on one or more reference files.
UploadTimeoutException |
Exception that gets thrown when there is a timeout while uploading data to a
separate data management system (e.g.
User |
A user object.
UserCreateRequest |
Data transfer object for creating a new user account.
UserDetailsModel |
Describes a User in a table.
UserDetailsResponse |
Returns an AjaxResponse with user details.
UserEditRequest |
Data transfer object for editing user details.
UserGroup |
UserGroupDetails |
Used to return details about a user group to the UI.
UserGroupJoin |
A relationship between an individual User account and a
UserGroup .
UserGroupJoin.UserGroupRole |
The role of a user in the group
UserGroupJoinRepository |
UserGroupMember |
Used to send information about a user group member to the UI.
UserGroupProjectJoin |
UserGroupProjectJoinRepository |
UserGroupProjectTableModel |
Used to send information about a project in a user group to the UI.
UserGroupRemovedProjectEvent |
UserGroupRepository |
UserGroupRole |
Represents a user group role in the UI.
UserGroupRoleSetProjectEvent |
UserGroupsAjaxController |
Controller for asynchronous request for User Groups
UserGroupsController |
UserGroupService |
UserGroupServiceImpl |
UserGroupSpecification |
UserGroupTableModel |
UserGroupWithoutOwnerException |
Exception thrown when a change to membership of a UserGroup causes
that group to have no owner.
UserMinimalModel |
Minimal model for a User in the UI.
UserMixin |
This mixin class is used to serialize/deserialize User .
UserPasswordResetDetails |
Data transfer object for user's password reset details
UserProjectDetailsModel |
Used to represent user Project s on the UI user account projects page.
UserRemovedProjectEvent |
UserRepository |
Specialized repository for User .
UserRepositoryCustom |
UserRepositoryImpl |
Custom implementation of UserRepository that throws
UsernameNotFoundException .
UserRevEntity |
Envers Revision class storing the timestamp, user, and oauth client used to make a change.
UserRevListener |
UserRoleSetProjectEvent |
Event created when a User is added to or has a role changed on a Project .
UsersAjaxController |
Handles asynchronous requests for the administration users table.
UsersController |
Controller for all User related views
UserSecurityInterceptor |
Interceptor Adaptor to add the user to the Model each server call.
UserService |
Customized service for accessing user objects.
UserServiceImpl |
UserSpecification |
Specification for searching a User
UserStatisticsAjaxController |
Controller for user statistics
UserStatisticsResponse |
UI Response to to encapsulate user statistics.
ValidateSampleNameModel |
Model for UI to represent a sample.
ValidateSampleNamesRequest |
UI request to validate sample names.
ValidateSampleNamesResponse |
Return a list of sample names.
ValidMethodParametersAspect |
This aspect automatically invokes a Validator for method parameters
annotated with the Valid annotation.
ValidProjectName |
Custom validation annotation that implements a block-list of unacceptable
characters in resources that can be named.
ValidProjectName.ValidProjectNameBlocklist |
Invalid characters in a project name
ValidSampleName |
A collection of patterns that validate the name of a sample.
ValidSampleName.ValidSampleNameBlocklist |
Characters not allowed in a sample name
VersionedFileFields<VersionType extends> |
An instance of a class may have a property with Version or may have
an internally managed version representation.
WarnNotification |
Consumed by the UI to display a warning notification.
WebEmailConfig |
Configuration class for loading properties files.
WebEmailConfig.ConfigurableJavaMailSender |
An extension of JavaMailSender that allows checking to see if
it's configured.
WebEmailConfig.ConfigurableJavaMailSenderImpl |
WebpackAssetsManifest |
Container for the assets manifest file deserialization
WebpackAssetsManifestDeserializer |
Deserializer for the webpack assets-manifest file
WebpackEntry |
Each webpack entry with have at least one JavaScript file, and possibly css files and html (translatons)
WebpackEntryDeserializer |
Deserializer for the webpack manifest file entry.
WebpackerCSSElementTagProcessor |
Thymeleaf Tag Processor for elements with the tag `webpack:css`
This processor will:
- determine which css files need to be loaded from the webpack manifest file.
WebpackerDialect |
Webpacker Dialect.
WebpackerJavascriptElementTagProcessor |
Thymeleaf Tag Processor for webpacker elements.
WebpackerManifestParser |
Responsible for parsing the webpack manifest file and passing along the
chunks for js, css, and html resources.
WebpackerScriptAttributeTagProcessor |
Thymeleaf Tag Processor for elements with the attr `webpack:script="entry_name"`
This is a special case handler for when the link to an entry is within an attribute on an
WebpackerTagType |
Enum for available webpacker tag types
WebpackParserException |
Thrown web there is an error parsing the webpack assets-manifest file.
WebStylesConfig |
Configuration for Ant Design theme styles from properties file.
WorkflowException |
Exception that gets thrown when there is an issue running a workflow.
WorkflowInputsGalaxy |
Describes a set of workflow inputs for a Galaxy workflow.
WorkflowInputsGeneric |
Describes a generic set of inputs to a workflow.
WorkflowInvalidException |
An exception thrown if a workflow is invalid.
WorkflowNamedParametersRepository |
Repository for working with named parameter sets.
WorkflowNamedParametersService |
Service for interacting with named parameter sets.
WorkflowNamedParametersServiceImpl |
Service for interacting with named parameter sets.
WorkflowPreprationException |
An exception that gets thrown during the preparation of a workflow.
WorkflowUploadException |
Exception that gets thrown when there is an error uploading a workflow to Galaxy.